Thursday, October 2, 2008

Stop acne forever

« ...After giving up on using ANY cleansers of pills, I looked to natural methods, like cleansing and fasting. This actually did manage to clear my acne, but only temporarily. I would fast on apples for 3 days, my skin would clear up for about a week, and then the acne would come back......
...Try not to ever squeeze your whiteheads; your hands are not usually as clean as you think they are. This can lead to those nasty germs seeping into your skin and can ultimately create severe acne....»
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«...Lastly, make a habit to keep your hands off your face. If possible, keep your hair away as well. As the hair and hands carry lots of dirt and oil, by touching it on the face, your skin can be clogged with these dirt and oil. When the pores are clogged, it leads to acne. Also resist the temptation to pick on your zits at all cost! This is the number one mistake many people make. You should let the acne products work on the skin and give it ample time to heal and regenerate....»
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tags: cetaphil cleanser soap helps with acne, clinique acne solutions moisturizer, over the counter acne control

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